The SoulScape Chronicles

Explore the psychologically immersive world of Alicia Darker’s speculative noir

Erasing Olivia

Olivia wants to erase her memories. Seth stands in her way.

Depressed Olivia James has a quest: She believes cutting-edge technology that allows people to “memory travel” can help her erase her past. Angry with the world that has hurt her and struggling with intrusive flashbacks, she’ll do whatever it takes to get rid of the pain — including turning her case into an experiment for a startup company looking to expand its power.

Seth Evans, a client manager at the Seattle startup SoulScape, sees Olivia as an opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. But experiencing Olivia’s memories in the simulation room tugs on Seth’s conscience. Does his company care more about the bottom line than harming clients? Is escaping his crushing debt worth being complicit?

As his corporate bosses plot behind the scenes, Seth is torn between his responsibilities and his growing feelings for Olivia. But Olivia’s desperation may drive her to lengths he can’t predict.

If Seth can’t convince her an alternative exists, he may lose Olivia forever to the depression that stalks her like a beast.

coming soon

Explore SoulScape

SoulScape is a fictional startup based in Seattle, Washington that offers memory travel experiences.

Memory Travel

jRe-experience the past – the joy of a wedding or a trip – with our vivid simulations.

Memory Erasure

SoulScape does not currently provide this service

Memory Mapping

In a few sessions, map your entire memory so you can select from a variety of memory trips.


About Alicia Darker


About Alicia

Alicia Darker spent nearly a decade dealing with the symptoms of PTSD and depression—and writing this book. Once a combination of medicine, therapy, and determination eventually opened a tunnel back to living a healthy life, she started writing stories with a happy ending: she also writes romance as Alicia Wilder.

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